The Natural World

Well, I am totally spoilt for choice with this challenge!  Living on Exmoor , I am surrounding by glorious Nature every day.  Constantly changing with the seasons, constantly amazing me with new sights and sounds.


I live quite close to this iconic landmark.  Glastonbury Tor..legend has it that it is the famed land of Camelot.  Whenever I visit , there is always a sense of the mysterious.  It is difficult to take an original viewpoint as it has been photographed a million times, but a threatening sky and a bit of sepia processing hopefully gives a different take on it.



Challenge: Draw my Christmas Cards

One of the challenges I set myself for this year was to draw all my Christmas cards. Of course, it got to Novemeber when I realised that I really ought to start getting my act together..or else the 2014 challenge deadline would race past into 2015 and I would be scrabbling around to find cards to buy.

I have been doing quite well with the Blogging101 challenge and the Photo101 challenge, so this post with combine all three ( yes..I have made laziness into an art form!).

I think I have now completed 20 cards – and here is a gallery of some of them.  Just another 30 to go ( my deadline was 50 cards) so no time to hang around…:)


I walk a lot, enjoying the solitude of the moors in all seasons.  Normally, the nearest I come to “civilisation” is a keepers hut or a weather eroded wall.  This day I took a slightly different route and came across this bench under the trees.  No discernible path led to or from it, but I enjoyed a welcome break, surveying the moors.  I would love to know who put it there, but I suspect that, whoever did was also perfectly happy in their solitude

A welcome resting place

A welcome resting place

Bliss: A message to Flynn

Living on Exmoor, I have been lucky enough to share some time with my  Springer Spaniel , Flynn.  The times we spent walking on the moors were bliss.

Happiness in the form of a spaniel

Happiness in the form of a spaniel

A message to Flynn:

What a glorious dog you were, my boy Flynn.  Happy to see me arrive home, ecstatic when we leapt into the car for the short drive up to the moors.  Head through the window, wind blowing your ears back, desperate to get out.

As soon as the door was open, out you shot, chasing imaginary foes, scenting the ground.  Occasionally you managed to scare up a pheasant, or a deer but rabbits..oh yes, you did love rabbits.  Head buried as far as it would go in their burrows, snout covered with soil, but you never caught one.  Thank heavens, I am pretty sure neither of us would have known what to do with it.

Then down to the brook, the muddier the better, bringing me the largest stones you could find.  Not waiting for them to be thrown, but back in the water to find bigger and better ones, I don’t know why you did it, but we both enjoyed it.  Covered in mud, well, always you and occasionally me , we climbed back up to the car and headed home, tired, muddy and in your case pretty smelly..but  happy.

I miss those times Flynn,  I still walk there of course, I still enjoy the moors, the sounds and sights make me happy.  But oh, I miss those times.


Last year I visited Prague for the first time.  What a lovely city!

prague boy and balloon

One of my impressions of the city was the wide streets ( boulevards? or is that too french?)

This photo is of a young boy clutching a balloon, happily running across the street.  I have to admit that

I cropped out his parents for more of a dramatic effect!