The Challenges

All my life I have been fascinated by games, board games, card games, and later on computer games and video games.  My particular favourites are games that have quests..yes, I have role played myself around many a good storyline, battling monsters, solving puzzles and levelling up in a variety of skills from alchemy to forestry.

It struck me that it would be a great way to take back control in my real life, a series of “quests” that would move me forward, improve my life, change my viewpoints and generally “level up”.

Taking a long, hard look at my life – I decided that I could complete a series of quests that would challenge me and at the same time bring lots of fun and learning into my life.  I love doing new things, but I tend to be more of a “starter” rather than a one of my main criteria for my quests is that I have to COMPLETE them!

I have started to compile a list of quests that I shall be undertaking, hopefully I’ll record the results and progress through this blog.  For the time being though…here is the first list of quests

1.  To start and maintain a blog ( this is IT!)

2.  To take part in Blogging101 to learn all about blogging ( started November 2014)

3.  To take part in Photo101 ( started November 2014)

4.  The Wine quest ( nobody said these challenges have to be too hard!)

5. The recipe book quest ( I have over 50 recipe books that I never use!)

6.  The draw all my Christmas Cards quest

7.  The go on holiday by myself quest

8.  The Flaneur quest

9.  The buy a house quest ( even though my bank says I am not young enough and not rich enough to get a mortgage!)

10.  The fluency quest

11. The micro business quest


These are enough quests for the moment, but it is a very fluid list.  In my “game playing” mode, I only have to finish a quest once I start it, and there are infinite possibilities for other quests to come along and change my course.

I intend to update this list every month and post blogs on how I am progressing regularly.  So, for the time being, I shall strap on my armour, pick up my backpack and set off on the first map in search of challenge!

Weekly Update: November 9th 2014

Challenges:  1, 2 , 3 and 6 all started

Photo101.  Completed all challenges set, learned how to caption photos and also how to create a gallery

Blogging101: Started this blog.  Went from 0 to   followers.  Followed some fantastic new blogs.  Blogged every day.

Christmas Card quest:  Drew 20 cards..very simple designs, but I have very little time before Christmas!!

Unfortunately the wine quest is on hold as I am on antibiotics for a week 😦 but the food quest I have started, just need to learn how to take good food photos now!



4 thoughts on “The Challenges

    • Thanks Roxanne..I need all the motivation I can muster up, so thinking about my challenges as quests ( I am tempted to give myself points to level up too!! ) helps me to keep on track 🙂


  1. I set up my blog to motivate me to get back on track with my homesteading goals. I think it’s a great way to keep track of what’s going on and where you’d like to be. I LOVE your idea of quests and hope to keeping reading about them!


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